To do this, we can now offer our help and we are trying to see who wins and who less fonódóval.
New routes:
The new, interwoven network has two new elements: two gaps have been filled so far missing small stage on which travel to the Vienna tram route 17 can connect to a large network of Buda. The first one is the Batthyány tér and Margaret Bridge, about a half-mile jumper, which passes through the Gellért tér trams now up to the Vienna road and Kelenföldi Kamaraerdőig commute. The other is the Turkish street, where the 17 tram tracks on it can turn a 4-6 track of that parallel those for a while along fermented in the Széll Kálmán Square, and from there take to Budafok- Albertfalva the way for the creation path.
New lines:
The amalgamation of three long North-South Buda Budan-long new line is created. One of the longest of them decide peaks: the 18.3 kilometers of 41-inch (Vienna road / Vörösvári road - between Kamaraerdő) a kilometer beating her seven years suspended, but now restarted 56 (Hűvösvölgy-Budafok, Town Hall Square ) tram. Elongating toward the South 17 will be 14.5 kilometers. A slightly shorter will be the starting Kelenföldtől and elongating the Vienna road # 19.
Renewed linesThe electrical construction intertwined not only meant new track construction, but renovation of the 17 Leo Frankel Street and the Vienna road, all the way to the High Street on Saturday. Not only are the tracks, the path is reconstructed. The interwoven tram, a 17-inch, 19-inch and 41-inch lines will involve new CAF trams. As you can see our pictures made early Saturday morning, they started the CAF, but left in the Ganz electric reasons.
What's good about fonódóban?
Primarily, that will connect the tram network in Buda fragmented, and long, it may be several possible routes to travel from north to south without change. Revive the dying has 17 tram, and along the 17-somewhat stuck in development, but worth a better fate Inner Óbuda. In addition, the new node establishes a busy public road from the Vienna-Vörösvári road at the junction, and creates conditions for the continuation of the external electric line-Vienna road, all the way to vasútvonalig.
What is interwoven tram?
Although many people think that the concentration merger of the networks provide, but did not. The interwoven tram takes its name from the two reverse track (due to limited space) intertwine during the Margaret Bridge, that is, the transport will take place from 40 to 50 meters in a track where you take turns coming from the south and north of the fittings. Many people consider this point most neuralgic point of the whole project, in addition to the electric line in the path of Árpád high traffic., new trams:
Who interwoven in the great power?
Obviously the ones in Buda. Among them is the best act of the Vienna road living within a couple of thousand people who receive a fast, modern, comfortable tram, which offers direct trains to all major Buda node, and if they like leutazhatnak up in degrees (obviously the latter will be insignificant demand) . Well go to the north terminus of Óbuda neighborhoods as well (Camp Mountain, Twin Mountain, Mountain Peak, Ürömhegy, Peter Mountain), it will be within reach of a good public transport hub, from which can travel further towards the center.
Will benefit the kamaraerdeiek is (also around a thousand inhabitants), who is also a modern, fast, comfortable relationship will Buda all the bridge, now the Margaret Bridge is within easy can go to the North-Pest (DJ of more travel opportunities likely to be irritating for some of them) . Good interwoven even those in the south of Buda ones as well (pretty small set), Óbuda who go to work, or their cause is there because of all the great gain access to the node Buda Kolosy Square.
who drop out of blessing
This refers primarily to Pacsirtamező travel and Szentendre housing estate residents to travel to be mentioned, who are neither divides, nor multiplies that power will be intertwined, since avoiding them far. They almost have it worse by removing the 86 bus, but the bus is launching a new BKK north of the 86 line (up to Batthyány Square), in the 109-est, so in the end it will not be affected. This neighborhood is the most ideal supply would be farther suburban train was brought into the Danube shore. This has long been planned, but the implementation distant mist (and maybe the 5 metro).
Most of the budafokiak not enjoy the spinning mill, as we turn to a branch of the Savoy Park, this and stops. The Budafok center will continue to be so to get to the 47-singer Deak Square, and the Széll Kálmán Square (or even longer, Hűvösvölgy) the old-new 56-player. The lágymányosiaknak so much better that can be reached from the Danube 4-6 ost, which in turn has also taken the Széll Kálmán tér, but now you can choose from routes. Also go on the road to Vienna without change, but that is little affected.
Who's wrong?
The BKK has transformed the bus system to have been remedied during the design of almost all public complaints arise, so nobody gets hurt except for some special case. Such a special case of our colleagues, who discontinued the 86 bus terminus south of the Independence Square live, and Florian's Square editorial staff now have to come in three flights in a 86 instead. (But then she reported, and according to him it is still faster to reach).
A 86-inch successor will have the Óbuda extended-path 111 bus, the 17, the 19 and the 41 tram, as well as Budafoki travel section 109 in addition to the day and on weekends traveling 133- Bus. The 160 and 260 bus routes 260A and the external terminal of the associated Budensis ambulatory internal section then you can travel by tram. The No. 7 bus service changes, particularly changes are affecting battery life or up to the time the 33's, 107's and 133's flight timetable.
Provisional status
The quay corridor 19 and 41 tram in March will be a small inconvenience . The Clark Ádám tér tram tunnel needs to be extended because of the new CAF trams and the construction will not be completed until March . Therefore , anyone who wants to go further , come down on one side of the tunnel , átkocog gyalogosaluljárón the bridgehead of the Chain Bridge to the other side where there is a waiting tram felszállva continue your journey. Clark Ádám tér jobs by the end of the 109 bus - tram route as a replacement - the extended route Szent Gellért tér carry passengers.
The asks passengers not to travel with habit before kick start getting familiar with the new network. Vizsgálódhatnak the briefing boards , they get pocket maps , and who nevertheless still hovering just as Vincent Vega in Pulp Fiction scene for , they will find " explanatory audio guide" and the B 's staff.
The interwoven tram started to build in the autumn of 2014 , it was built in the EU and domestic sources to 15.9 billion forints .
If you do not have time this weekend to try a spinning mill , you can do it with us, this made :