Tuesday, 12 January 2016

World Karate Organization

Doctor Takuya Futaesaku, who is a former member of WKO, and currently organizes the “Society of Fighting Medicine” (“Kakutogi Igakukai” in Japanese) and seminars in various areas, uses WKO and past teacher-student/doctor-patient relationships with WKO Branch Chiefs on the internet for PR, and uses the organizational network of WKO to hold seminars in overseas countries, without the permission of WKO, all for the purpose of increasing his own benefit, and is creating a wide misunderstanding that his activities are officially recognized by WKO.
WKO has repeatedly asked Mr. Futaesaku, that he refrain from carrying out the abovementioned activities and avoid misunderstandings that he is officially recognized by WKO, and if he wishes to do so, ask WKO for permission beforehand, but such requests by WKO were not accepted by Mr. Futaesaku.

As a result, WKO was left with no choice but to notify Mr. Futaesaku, that WKO will take the following policy/position from now on, and we wish to announce this to all related people via our website.

We ask for your kind understanding of the matter.

WKO declares that Dr. Takuya Futaesaku, a former member of WKO, currently has no relation with WKO.

In addition, WKO will take the following policy against him.
1. He is not allowed entrance to all official events and tournaments organized by WKO.
2. WKO will take legal action against him, if there is any recognition of his use of photos, videos, illustrations, writings, and goods that may hint or lead one to assume any form of official relationship with the competitors/organization of WKO.

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